For those of you that have seen the movie "Forest Gump", there is a part of the movie in which Forest decides to start running after an incident in his life. After a while he has a large number of people who are running with him thinking he is on some noble quest or something.
One day he stops turns around, says that he is tired and starts walking past the other runners and down the highway.
This is milepost 13 on US Highway 163 just north of the Arizona/Utah border where that scene in the movie was filmed. My wife and I took a vacation in May, 2008 down to Durango, Colorado for our anniversary and stopped here on the way back.
In the background you can see Monument Valley which is not only famous for its many natural formations, but has been the site of numerous television and movie productions over the years.
Whether your a movie buff, photographer, or just like seeing interesting places in our beautiful country, you need to make a visit.

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