Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Tri-Met 2295 at 18th and Morrison
Here is another photograph from my trip to Portland in October. I arrived on Saturday and the following day I took a 10 mile walk around the areas near downtown.
The photo is of a Tri-Met New Flyer bus about to trun right onto 18th Avenue. PGE Park where the Portland minor league baseball team played before moving to Southern California is behind me.
I was pleasantly surprised on how well this photo came out as this was just a spur of the moment shot.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
MAX train leaving Rose Quarter station
Back in October I attended an event in Portland, Oregon. The event I attended was in downtown and the motel I stayed at was on the east side of downtown on Burnside Avenue.
One of the nice things was that I was able to use transit for my entire stay in the city so I did not have the added expense of renting a car.
This photo was taken of a MAX light rail train leaving the Rose Quarter Station for Clackamas. The line to Clackamas (the Green Line) is Portland's newest light rail line.
I wasn't sure how well this picture would come out considering the sun was starting to set and I was standing under Interstate 5 which passes over the Rose Quarter Station.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Fixer Upper
One day I had some time to kill so I decided to get some pictures of planes coming in for a landing at Salt Lake International Airport. I also took the opportunity to explore the area south of the airport a little.
I turned down one street and came across this poor old travel trailer that had obviously seen better days. The trailer was sitting next to a junk yard entrance waiting for its final journey.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Forgotten on a siding
A photographer I know took some pictures of an old rail passenger car a couple of years ago and I have meant to go photograph it for some time. Finally a couple of months ago I decided to go ahead and take some pictures of it.
The car sits along side the main line of the Union Pacific Railroad between Salt Lake City and Provo that was once Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad. The former Union Pacific line between the two cities lies just one block east at this point and is now used by the Utah Transit Authority for their North-South light rail line.
I love doing photos like this in black and white because it adds a certain feeling to the photograph.
I have no idea about the history of this rail car but if anyone who does know something about it is more than welcome to let us know.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Along side of Interstate 80 west of Salt Lake City sits the exit of Delle. On the western side of town there is a modern convenience store to the east of the freeway exit sits this old shop with a cafe and motel beyond it.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
The Adventure of Traveling
I love the adventure of travel.
Back in May I was in Wendover which is on the Utah/Nevada border. While most people will not leave the main street which has the motels and casinos, I rather look around the town and see what I can find.
The city is home to a former air base that was used to train the pilots who would drop the atomic bombs on Japan. Today the airbase sees limited air service and has limited tourist attractions. Several of the former base buildings are now have other uses.
While driving around the former base I encountered this old truck sitting next to one of the former base buildings. I love finding old vehicles like this that probably have some interesting stories to tell.
While finding old rusting vehicles may not be that uncommon, finding a old work truck like this is.
Never know what you may find when you get off the main road...
Friday, November 26, 2010
UTA MAX Bus on 3500 south
A Utah Transit Authority Van Hool is traveling eastbound on 3500 South in West Valley City, Utah.
The sun was low enough that it did not provide harsh light and in the perfect position to light up the front of the bus.
The bus is traveling along along dedicated bus lanes that were recently opened along a short stretch of 3500 south.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Old Plymouth For Sale
One day I had to take my car in for its routine service and after leaving the service station I came upon this old Plymouth that was for sale in the parking lot of a night club.
I tried to get a picture of the car without any cars in the background (such as my Focus to the left) but the only angles without other cars in the seen would have had the sun in a bad angle.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Photo of a Dragon Fly sitting on a flower. I have only tried doing macro photography a couple of times and was really pleased with the results of this photo.
I manually focused my camera since the auto focus would not work on such a small creature.
Monday, September 13, 2010
What would you like to order?
One day I was out taking pictures and decided to take pictures of an old restaurant that sits at 7780 South and State street in Midvale, Utah.
While driving around the restaurant what do I discover but that this restaurant was once a Dairy Queen and the menu still sits behind the restaurant despite Dairy Queen not being here for at least 10 years.
The restaurant was a Asian restaurant for several years before it moved down the street and most recently was a cafe.
Once again you never know what you might find if you just go exploring.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Abandoned Retail Store
I took my car down for its regular servicing and of course took my camera along knowing that I would find something to photography along the way.
Across from the dealership formerly known as Butterfield Ford is a former Lowe's store that moved about a mile to the east. The former store sits abandoned right at the off ramp of 9000 South and Interstate 15 making a welcoming sight to people coming into the city of Sandy.
This photo looks into the former garden shop of the store and looks to be taking a heavy hit from not being used. I took this picture to emphasize the weeds growing in the walkways to give it even a more abandoned look. The black and white further gives it a more depressed look.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Into the Weeds...
My last picture was of a former grade crossing signal of the former Union Pacific line from Salt Lake City to Provo owned by the Utah Transit Authority.
Today's picture is from the same line just taken about a mile down the line at a former grade crossing that has been closed and now is an access point for the trail that travels along the former right of way.
I did this photo in Black and White to give a sense of abandonment. I also used a low f-stop to blur the background and make the rails the main focal point.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Help! One of my arms is missing!!
Over the years I have passed this old rail line many times. The line was once the Union Pacific main line from Salt Lake City to Provo. However, the section from Draper to Lehi has not seen trains in 15 or so years but the tracks and some crossing signals still exist.
This crossing signal at 12715 south still stands guard waiting for a train that will never come (although the line will become a light rail line someday).
The sun was really bright yesterday but I still like the way this picture turned out.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Old Building & Streetcar
This old streetcar and building sit near the Great Salt Lake just west of the Salt Lake International Airport along Interstate 80.
This site has been used by photographers (and others) for many years. However, I have heard the owner is going to be forced to get rid of the streetcar and the building shortly.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Great Salt Lake Marina
Here is another photo taken at the Great Salt Lake Marina a few weeks ago. Like the rest of the area it is crawling with bugs so that is something you will want to be prepared for if you go out to the marina.
This photo is looking southwest toward the outlet to the Great Salt Lake.
Access to the actual boat docks is limited so you have to limit yourself to taking pictures from the sidewalk about the actual marina area.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Black Widow
Here is another photo that I took when we took my nieces out to the Great Salt Lake Marina and State Park.
Beyond the Marina is a observation deck that you can look out onto the lake. However, the entire area is covered by spiders of every shape and size.
While I did not know what type most of them were, this one is hard to miss. This one did not like having her photo taken because after I snapped the picture it actually made an aggressive move toward me (I was not THAT close).
Monday, August 9, 2010
Seagulls at the Great Salt Lake
My nieces who were staying with us wanted to go out and see the Great Salt Lake.
We decided to take them out to the Great Salt Lake State Park and Marina so they could get the Great Salt Lake experience without driving all the way to Antelope Island (since it was 95 degrees out and the only car we have that would hold us all has no A/C).
Of course if I am going somewhere I had to take my camera!!
I do not have a lot of experience taking pictures of birds except for ducks and geese at a nearby pond so this was a perfect chance for some practice.
I took several pictures of seagulls and was delighted that most of them turned out pretty good.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Reeds Drive In in Nephi, Utah
Here is another shot from my adventure to Fillmore, Utah last Thursday.
Reeds Drive-In is located on Main Street in Nephi, Utah just north of the downtown area. Main Street was once US Highway 91 until Interstate 15 came along.
This photo was taken was the sun was low in the sky and not shining in this area but the lighting still came out good.
Monday, August 2, 2010
No Vacancy
Ok, I promised you no more fireworks pictures so here is something different to look at.
The other day I had to drive down to Fillmore, Utah and back. On the way back I drove through Nephi, Utah. While driving through town I saw this motel that has now been closed (I believe it was still open the last time I drove through a year ago or so but I could be wrong).
This motel sits along what was US Highway 91 before Interstate 15 came along. While this motel survived long after the Interstate came along it could not survive the influx of cookie cutter chain motels.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Fireworks Part III
Ok, you are probably getting tired of fireworks pictures so I promise this will be the last one.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Fireworks Part II
As I said in the previous posting, I had only taken fireworks photos one time before so I was really impressed with how many of these pictures came out.
Now I can't wait for next year so that I can get even more fireworks pictures. It may even encourage me to deal with the crowds in order to get even more pictures.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
This year I took two of our nieces up to Cottonwood Heights to watch their community fireworks.
I had only photographed fireworks once before that was back with my Nikon EM film camera and I was too far away to get really good pictures.
To get these pictures I put my camera on a tri-pod, put the focusing on manual and did 10 second exposures. I was not sure how well the pictures would come out but was pretty happy with the results.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Park City Transit
Here is a shot of a Park City Gillig Advantage Low Floor sitting at the Historic Main Street Transit Station in the historic part of Park City.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
The Tree is Watching You
Here is another photo I took at my in laws place.
This tree which sits near their unused swimming pool had a character upgrade.
The sun was setting giving the tree just enough light but keeping the surrounding area darker.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
The sun was about to set and there was not much light. I saw this little guy crawling up a pole and decided to take its picture. I was not sure if there was enough light to get the picture so I put my camera's flash on its lowest setting to add some fill light.
I was not sure how well this photo would come out but I was happy with the results.
Fill Light,
Nikon D60,
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Taking a Drink
Last Wednesday (7/7/2010) we went up to Silver Lake to take a hike and do some photography.
Just was we started down the boardwalk we caught this duck along with her ducklings at the edge of the lake taking a drink.
I wasn't sure how this picture was going to come out since I had to take it quickly and the lighting was not optimal. However, I thought the picture came out o.k. despite the murky color of the water.
Silver Lake is located just west of the Brighton Ski Resort at the top of Cottonwood Canyon. It is a nice short trip from the Salt Lake area and while the temperature was 90+ in Salt Lake it was only in the mid-60's up at the top of the canyon.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Silver Lake, Utah
Today I ended up heading up to Brighton, Utah in order to hike around and above Silver Lake which lies just west of the Brighton Ski Resort.
There is a trail around the entire lake that is very popular with not only hikers but on this day had a large number of artist doing paintings of the area.
We also took the Twin Lakes trail but did not make it completely up to Twin Lakes due to time constraints.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Delta 737
Shot of a Delta Airlines 737 coming in for a landing at the Salt Lake International Airport.
The photo was taken from Fulton Street just south of 500 South on the west side of town. This area of town is filled mostly with junk yards and other industrial businesses.
As I have mentioned many times forms of transportation are some of my favorite subjects whether it be trains, planes, automobiles, or buses.
There used to be locations near or on airports where plane spotters could stay, watch planes come and go, and do photography. Sadly after the events of 9/11 most of these places have been closed off.
I am guessing that this is a Boeing 737-800.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Lit Up Clouds

A couple of weeks ago I left our apartment in order to take a short walk. After walking outside I looked up to see the lovely image of these clouds being lit up by the setting sun.
I loved the contrast between the dark clouds not being lit up and the upper clouds that were being lit up by the sun.
We were not scheduled to having any thunder storms this day but as it turned we did get a nice thunderstorm just a couple of hours after taking this photo.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Utah Transit Authority NB Front Runner Train
Ok, it has been some time since I actually posted some pictures to this blog so I will try to make up for it.
Today, we have a picture of a northbound Utah Transit Authority Front Runner train that has just left Central Station in Salt Lake and is heading toward Ogden.
The train is powered by MPI MP36 locomotive pulling a Ex-New Jersey Transit Comet I car and two Bombardier Tri-Level cars which can be found on various commuter trains from Florida to Seattle.
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