Wednesday, January 14, 2009

How many Libby Montana Police does it take?

I am presently going through some old photos that my parents gave me before they passed away finding ones to give to my siblings. They are currently mixed in with many shots I took over the years.

While going through some yesterday I came across these three photos that I took on a trip to visit my cousin Diana and her children who live in Libby, Montana.

During this one trip we went over to the baseball diamonds were one of her daughters was playing softball. After the game ended, she realized that she had locked the keys to her car inside the car.

In most places the police would not get involved in fear of lawsuits if they did the slightest damage but in small town Montana, the police officers present who knew Diana had no problem in helping a damsel in distress.

When all was said and done, they may have wished they never agreed to help. The first two officers could not get the car open so along comes officer number three in the attempt to open the door.

By this time there was several people watching the spectacle as the officers tried desperately to get one of the doors to open.

Well, in the end after a lot of frustration and about 45 minutes of attempts, one of the officers was finally able to get the door unlocked.

Just one of those things you have to look back and laugh about even though it was a frustrating situation back then.
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