Friday, February 6, 2009

Would you eat at this restaurant?

In my last entry I showed I picture I took in Ogden just before getting back on the commuter train in order to return to Salt Lake City.

This picture was actually taken a little earlier in the day. After arriving in Ogden I caught a couple of buses in order to get up to the Ogden sign which crosses Washington Blvd where the street crosses the Ogden river.

After taking pictures of the Ogden River area I started heading south on Washington Blvd taking pictures. It was about an hour before I was going to eat lunch but was looking for someplace that look appetizing. Some of my favorite foods are Chinese and I like buffets because I can get the items I want.

Well, during the walk I encountered this buffet place which sits across from the LDS temple. Well it was Chinese and it was a buffet but....

If you take a close look at the picture part of the canopy is falling down and the building is in bad need of a repaint. Finally all the vegetation around the building is dead or dying.

Needless to say I kept walking...
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