Saturday, September 21, 2013

Portland Streetcar at Portland State

In my last posting I mentioned how it had been three years since I came to Portland for a conference that would lead to me actually moving here to Portland.

Here is another once of those photos that makes me think about that trip three years ago. The day after I arrived in Portland for the conference I had a free day so I planned to walk the city using walks created by Laura Foster in her books "Portland City Walks" and "Portland Hill Walks" both of which I highly recommend.

That day I walk to this very spot and took a picture of a streetcar approaching this very spot. Little did I know that I would become very familiar with this spot. Since a year ago June I have been attending Portland State and have had classes in the building to the right and left behind the streetcar. I have also spent time in the Park Blocks which are on either side of the streetcar.

Just goes to show that sometimes a picture is can be more than just a picture of something but can have meaning and possibly for things we don't think of when we take the picture.
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