Monday, December 29, 2008
Setting Goals for 2009 and thanking some...
This photo was taken at Temple Square in downtown Salt Lake City on December 8th. I was attending the Photowalking Utah event and this was one of the pictures I took that night. Before the actual Photowalk, Rich Legg did a session on improving your night photography.
So how does this picture and that night fit in with my goals for 2009?
2008 has been a big year for me. I learned a great deal by attending the Photowalking trips and most of all, I got the slap up side the head I have need for some time. I always loved photography and now I realize it is what I want to do full time.
That means that some of my goals for 2009 will include photography.
Goals must:
1. Be specific
2. Have a specific time frame
3. Most important: be written down.
Well what better way to write down a goal than to put it out here for the world to see.
Here are some of my photo related goals for 2009:
1. Add at least 10 photos per week to my stock photography portfolio
2. Experiment with a new technique at every photo shoot.
3. Learn something new at every photography event that I am able to attend in 2009.
4. Have fun!!
I also cannot leave 2008 without thanking some people that have made an impact on me this past year.
First of all I have to thank Ann Torrence, Rich Legg, and Kenneth Linge who hosted educational sessions as part of the Photowalking events this year. While I may not have talked one on one with them much during the year I listened while you did your sessions and at other times getting soaking up all the good information I could. A big thank you also needs to go out to all those who organized the all the excellent Photowalks we had this year.
Also to all the other Photowalkers who I have come to know and enjoy events with. Everyone of them has been a wonderful experience and I look forward to enjoying more of them in the new year.
Finally I have to thank a very special co-worker of mine named Sydney. I had not done a model shoot except for one in college which was many years ago but she volunteered to take time out to play model for me and was very patient.
Finally, I have to say that I am more optimistic going into 2009 than any year I can recall. I look forward to the new year not hoping something good was going to happen, but with a genuine optimism that 2009 will be a great year personally.
Hope that your 2009 will be a great one and remember to set your own goals because as Zig Ziglar says: "How can you hit a goal you cannot see?".
Monday, December 15, 2008
Utah Strobist Event December 2, 2008
On December 2nd I attended a event sponsored by the Utah Strobist Flickr group.
The event was held on the top levels of the Walker Garage which is in downtown Salt Lake City. The weather was cold but there was only a couple of sprinkles so the weather held out for us.
There was several models present for us to take pictures of. This picture is of Steven one of the 5 models that I photographed that night.
Since in the past I have not taken many pictures of people and rarely used a flash, this was the first picture I ever attempted to removed red eye on and the results came out better than I expected.
This week I plan to attend a Photowalking Utah event at the downtown library and Temple Square. I would also like to attend the Utah Photo Safari trip up to the University of Utah on Wednesday but have corporate big wigs flying in at my "real" job.
I have a lot of things coming up. In late January or early February I will do a dedicated stock photo shoot with "S" my co-worker. Then in late February we have a tripped planned to Moab and a week long trip in June to visit my friend in Seattle plus attend Lumber Days in Libby, Montana.
Monday, December 1, 2008
She made it this week...
Here is one of the pictures of my model/co-worker "S" taken at a local park today.
I was pretty nervous to start off with since I had not shot with a model since college but it turned out to be a lot of fund and I thoroughly enjoyed myself.
I was taking some pictures of her on the playground equipment when she decided to slide down the slide.
Friday, November 28, 2008
What happened to my model????
On Monday, I prepared all day for my first model shoot in many years. One of my co-workers volunteered to model for me so I could get some stock work done plus practice doing some regular portrait type shots that I have little experience doing.
Well I was pretty nervous on Monday as anyone who reads my Twitter blurbs will know. However, I didn't want to waste the nice day so I headed up to the Jordan Peace Gardens and took some shots around there before heading to where my model and co worker "S" and I agreed to meet.
So the appointed time came and went and she never showed up. I just couldn't understand why she didn't show up or even call since she is not that type of person. The next day when I was leaving work I found out what had happened.
Well it turned out she was marooned with car problems in the mountains with some friends and one of them had to walk for 24 hours to get a cell phone signal. Fortunately they were able to get help and get back home.
Well, I guess if your going to get stood up it might as well be a dozy of a reason.
We are going to try again this week and I made her promise that she would not take any long driving trips on Sunday or Monday.
Then maybe I will have a nice picture to go with the story...
Sunday, November 9, 2008
What are you looking at "hew-man?"
On November 1st, the Photowalking Utah group did a trip up to Antelope Island. During this period the state parks dept is checking on the health of the Bison, picking ones to be sold and giving them shots.
This was the first picture I took that day and one of the few I really liked. The bison to the right seems to be staring at us weird humans who are taking a bunch of pictures.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
A traffic signal for a Train?
My wife was laid off from her job of 4 years recently and decided to sign up with a temp. agency. She was immediately assigned to a three month temp job for a business in the industrial area of Salt Lake.
Just north of her temporary place of employment is a railroad industrial spur. The spur crosses Pioneer Road just south of California Avenue. What is interesting about this crossing is that instead of being controlled by crossing gates, both automobile and train traffic is controlled by traffic signals.
The trains cross California Avenue, travel behind the the convenience store that you can see in the background before crossing Pioneer after getting a green signal.
What is interesting is that Pioneer Road is only two lanes but California is four lanes but train traffic across California is only protected by cross buck signs and no signals.
The Convenience store is also interesting in that it once had a fast food restaurant with a drive through window that was taken out some time ago. However the order board is still next too the building with some of the menu still present.
You never know what interesting things you might find if you just keep your eyes open.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Miami MetroRail Ghost Platform
In downtown Miami the main transfer station between the MetroRail heavy rail system and the downtown people mover system called MetroMover is at Government Station.
The station is four stories however, the first one does not have any Metro activity. The second floor has the platforms for the Metromover along with Metro Dade Transit customers service and various shops and fast food places.
The MetroRail platforms are located on the fourth level.
The oddity is the third level of the station. While 99% of the people that ride the system everyday just ride the esculators pass the third level in order to reach the fourth, few venture to see this other MetroRail platform.
While the MetroRail line is generally a north-south affair with some east-west jogs, there was a plan to build a actually east-west line that would pass the airport and come into the Government station at this platform. The plans for that east-west line are long dead so it looks like this "ghost" platform may never see an actually passenger.
So if your travels every take you to Miami, be sure to check out this unusual sight.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Ducks and Geese walking down the sidewalk
Always having your camera with you is one of the first things you learn as a photographer because you never know what you might encounter along your journey.
I attend a Toastmasters Club that is held at Anna's Restaurant in Murray at noon on Friday's. One day after I pulled into the parking lot I noticed a large group of ducks and geese walking down the sidewalk.
There is a seasonal pond plus a year around stream just to the south of the restaurant so seeing ducks and geese in the area is not unusual. What was unusual was that this group was walking down the sidewalk in single final procession better than most humans could.
They walked about a half block before stopping and resting in a grassy section next to the parking.
So remember, always carry your camera.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The Westward Ho
The Westward Ho Sign and the tower of the Circus Circus in Las Vegas, Nevada
Originally uploaded by Dornoff Photography
Since we knew that the Westward Ho was scheduled to be closed in just a couple of weeks I stopped to get a picture of the marque sign on the way to the airport.
Maybe the rain fit with the reason for taking the picture in the first place.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Las Vegas Monorail
My family used to have an annual family reunion in Las Vegas during the Columbus Day weekend. However, the temperature that weekend was pretty hot so after my father passed away we changed a date to a couple of weeks later.
Well it was much cooler but then again it rained almost the whole weekend. This picture was taken from the third level of one of the hotel parking garages looking south toward one of the new towers going up at the MGM Grand.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
New Condos Everywhere....
While in Miami to do a presentation last November, I stayed at the Radisson Hotel which is located on the north side of downtown.
This shot was taken from my 9th floor window looking toward the north looking at 5 new condominium projects that were under construction at the time.
I only had my little Kodak C743 camera with me but I was pretty impressed with the pictures it took.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Wig Wam Motel Rialto California
This shot taken from Foothill Blvd (old Route 66) is of the Rialto, California Wig Wam Motel. There was originally several of these motels most of them along Route 66 with this one having been recently restored.
If you stay at this motel, your room is one of the individual tee pees.
We have not stayed there yet but plan to on our next trip to Southern California to visit family.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Frater Lake in NE Washington State
One day I had some business up in Colville, Washington and decided to take a side trip on the way home. I came upon this lake on Washington Highway 20 about halfway between Colville and the end of the highway near Tiger, Washington.
The lake was so peaceful and serene with a nice reflection. I originally took this picture with my first SLR camera that I ever owned which was a Nikon EM that lasted me 18 years. I then scanned it in with a HP scanner that only worked when it felt like it.
I love traveling the 2 lane highways of America because you just never know what you are going to find or who you will meet.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Ricks Burgers Tacos in Pasadena California
This little unassuming Burger stand sits at the corner of El Molino and Foothill Blvd in Pasadena, California. It opened a year before I was born and has survived the onslaught of mediocre fast food chains and other competition over the years. What it may not be able to overcome is a developer that can make more money from Condos after buying the land the Rick's sits under. Fortunately the present real estate market has put the development on hold so we get to enjoy Rick's a few more times.
Rick's has been part of my life for many years. Just after I was born we lived in a place just three blocks away from Rick's (which was later bulldozed to build Interstate 210). My mother would put me in my stroller and push me down there so she could have lunch.
I cannot tell you how many meals I have had at Rick's over the years. I have never found a place that makes a combo bean/beef burrito that could compare to Rick's.
After leaving Southern California for green pastures, I still would stop at Rick's ever time I would return for whatever reason. Then on my trip in November of 2006 I saw the announcement that Rick's was being forced to either move or close.
I took this picture on the way to my brothers house in Victorville, California thinking it my be the last time I see this place that has been a part of my life for so many years.
Well I have been able to enjoy Rick's a few more times since that trip and hopefully we can enjoy it again in April when we make another trip to Southern California.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Seal Beach Marina in Southern California
Took this picture on the last day of vacation in November, 2006. Southern California was experience record highs with most of the days being in the 100's. Our final day turned out to be one of the nicest of the whole trip.
My wife and I had passed the marina on the first day of our trip after we had flown into the Long Beach Airport and decided to return on our last day for a few more pictures.
Just as I was finishing up the picture some guy comes up and asks "Are you a terrorist?".
There was so many comebacks that I thought about giving him but since my wife and I had a flight to catch, I just said no and walked away.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Sycamore Inn
This is the front of the Sycamore Restaurant that is located just east of Upland, California on Foothill Blvd which is part of old US Route 66.
My family had dinner hear on several occasions as my Uncle, my brother, and a friend of the family all lived in close proximity.
This restaurant has been here for years. In fact there is actually gun shot holes near the bar from old west shoot outs that occurred in the building back in the day.
The restaurant was closed when I drove through here in 1994 and was slated to be bulldozed for new development but fortunately it was saved and reopened.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Delta 757 painted for Song Airlines
Last November I flew down to Miami to make a presentation and on the way back I had a 3 hour layover in Atlanta. While I was sitting there waiting for my plane to arrive I decided to get the camera out and start taking pictures.
Song was the short lived "low cost" carrier that Delta created but abandoned when they filed for bankruptcy a couple of years ago. However, there is still many of the planes painted in Song colors running around.
The final plane I took pictures of was this Song Airlines Boeing 757 that happened to be my transportation from Atlanta back to Salt Lake City. The plane arrived on time and we started to board but after we sat down boarded they stopped allowing people on the plane and we would have the most unusual delays I have ever encountered. Apparently a drain got clogged and back up causing the carpet in the front of the plane to get flooded.
It took them about 45 minutes to replace the carpet in the front of the plane. There was several whiners on the plane acting as though it was the end of the world because of this delay. In the end after they finished fixing the carpet they board the plane, we took off and ended up arriving in Salt Lake City only 20-minutes late.
Sometimes you just need to sit back relax and not worry about it.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Grand Luxe Tour Train
Back in September of 2008 I had a meeting in Denver and was taking Amtrak back to Salt Lake City. I took the Denver light rail system to Union Station and noticed that the Grand Luxe Luxury train was sitting at the station.
Grand Luxe used to be the American Orient Express but after some troubles was taking over by the Radar who owns Colorado Railcar.
However, on August 28th the train arrived in Tacoma and the service was shut down due to financial problems. The luxury rail cars are now up for sale.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
UTA Gillig Advantage BRT on Route 603
This Saturday Photowalking Utah will be down in Orem with the opportunity to check out an outstanding photo studio plus get some lessons. They will also be walking around Downtown Provo later in the evening but my wife and I are going to the Toby Keith concert so we will miss out on that part.
This photo is of a Utah Transit Authority bus taken during the August Photowalking Utah event. It is a 2007 Gillig Advantage BRT bus on route 603 waiting at a red light at 25th and Lincoln in Ogden.
This paint scheme for UTA is only a few years old but a big improvement from the previous colors which was all white with small blue and red strips dating from the "white bus" phase of the 70's and 80's.
Friday, September 5, 2008
TRAX train in Sandy during a snow storm
This was the first picture I ever posted on Flickr and one of the early pictures I took with a HP 735 camera I bought while working at Officemax during Christmas 2003.
When I first bought the camera (thanks to HP supply problems and their employee partner program they paid me to buy the camera and a photo printer), I mostly used it for taking photos of stuff I was putting on Ebay.
However, soon enough I was trying different types of shots while still using my film cameras.
This camera bit the dust about 18 months ago when something in the SD card slot broke and wouldn't recognize any card. I then replaced that camera with a Kodak P&S before finally getting my new Nikon D60 a few months ago.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Sandy, Utah Expo Center in a blizzard
Monday, August 25, 2008
Ogden Hourse Statue with John Wayne Image
All of these statues have nice paint schemes on them but this one was especially nice with the image of John Wayne and the American Flag in the background.
It is amazing what you find when you get out of the car or in this case the Front Runner commuter train and start walking the streets.
Friday, August 22, 2008
TRAX train at speed
I tried with my previous digital camera to do some slow shutter speed shots in order to blur the motion of the TRAX trains, but that camera's settings were not good enough to get a good picture.
Now, armed with my new Nikon SLR, I took these pictures which came out substantially better than the previous ones I tried. I think the picture does a good job of conveying the speed at which the TRAX train is traveling.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Egyptian Theater
After spending some time taking pictures around Union Station, we walked down 25th street. We then headed down Washington Blvd and headed back.
On Washington Blvd sits the Egyptian Theater which is a beautiful art deco style theater. There was a auction going on at the time but the woman in the lobby allowed us to come in and take some pictures of the lobby.
This photo looks at the ceiling in the lobby of the theater. I love classic architecture so having the opportunity to walk around this classic was truly a treat.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Atrium of the Downtown Salt Lake Library
Atrium of the Downtown Salt Lake Library in Salt Lake City, Utah
Originally uploaded by Dornoff Photography
While the Spokane, Washington library may have a better view since it overlooks the Spokane River and Spokane Falls, the Spokane library is nothing but a basic box compared to the unique architecture of Salt Lake City main library.
This photo was taken from the 4th level which is the highest level to have cross over bridges that allow you to take photos like this.
Another unique feature of the library is one its regular guests who happens to be the real rain man. The gentleman that Dustin Hoffman's character from the movie is based on can often be seen reading books in one of the library's many sections.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Sometimes Pictures Surprise You
Because the lighting was not good due to the cloud cover, I just didn't think many people would take a look at this picture but sometimes they can surprise you.
This picture was taken just north of Downtown Salt Lake City at 300 North.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Utah Senator's Orin Hatch and Bob Bennett
Utah Senator's Orin Hatch and Bob Bennett at Front Runner Ceremonies
Originally uploaded by Dornoff Photography
I took this from the photographers stand provided by the UTA. The platform was located on the north side of the crowd but should have been on the south side to provide better lighting.
You can see the nose of one of the UTA's new Front Runner locomotives sitting in the background.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Delta Airlines/Skywest CJ700 coming in for Landing at SLC
When I took this picture I didn't notice the three birds flying past the airplane. However, I thought they added a little interest to the shot that really enhanced it.
The only bad thing I find about taking pictures of planes or Amtrak trains is that I want to be getting on it to going somewhere...
Friday, August 15, 2008
Old Building on US Highway 160
Here is a picture of that stone building. Once again I would like to find out what purpose this building served. You can see there appears to be a guard stand or something in front of the main building.
Anybody know what this was?
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Down the U.S. Highways...
Previously I mentioned my wife and I headed to Durango, Colorado for our anniversary in May. On the way back we headed down US Highway 160 past Four Corners and to Kayenta, Arizona before heading on US 163 back to Utah.
Out in the middle of nowhere we encountered this old abandoned gas station that set just below a beautiful red rock butte. A few hundred yards to the west their was also a round stone building. Both of them look so odd sitting out here in the middle of nowhere.
Does anyone now what the round stone building was used for?
Just one of the many things you might encounter while driving down the two lane black top of America.